Episode 9: If 2020 doesn’t convince you to buy a firearm, what will?

Michael Schaus

Free to Offend Episode 9

Given the chaos that has defined 2020, it shouldn’t be surprising that somewhere between five and six million Americans have decided to purchase their first firearm this year. And with the uncertainty of our times only increasing, it seems like a safe bet that the “gun culture” in America will expand even further—despite what some politicians might prefer.  

And, according to Nevada Policy’s Michael Schaus, that’s actually really good news for our other foundational freedoms, as firearm ownership is essentially a recognition of government’s limitations. (Also, it gives Schaus an opportunity to remind everyone that nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a brand-new AK or AR style rifle under the tree.) 

Editor of Gunpowdermagazine.com, Teresa Mull, joins Schaus to talk about the explosion of interest in firearm ownership, the changing demographics of gun owners, and what threats politicians will bring to bear on this crucial piece of American freedom.  

Free to Offend can also be heard on Amazon and iTunes



    • gunpowdermagazine.com 
    • “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” — The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Free to Offend:
A podcast that radically defends free speech by regularly practicing it.

Produced by Nevada Policy Research Institute,
featuring Nevada Policy’s Michael Schaus and Robert Fellner.

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