Study: More Medicaid eligibility = fewer workers

LAS VEGAS — The Obamacare-linked expansion of Medicaid in Nevada that Gov. Brian Sandoval and state lawmakers pushed into Nevada law this year is likely to reduce Silver State employment, suggests…

Environmentalism vs. the environment

LAS VEGAS — The Lake Tahoe Basin — its residents are ceaselessly told — has suffered much environmental damage over the decades. Rarely mentioned, however, is a remarkable fact: Much…

CCSD employees in hot water over gun on campus

LAS VEGAS — Two Clark County School District employees face possible criminal charges over allegations that they possessed, sold and/or exchanged handguns on a high school campus recently. The case — turned…

In Tahoe face-off with California, Nevada retreats

LAS VEGAS — Has the Lake Tahoe Compact been saved? Do the announced compromises between Nevada and California — repeatedly hailed by lawmakers in Carson City following the May 14 agreement…

Proposed amendment would preserve Tahoe compact

LAS VEGAS — A high-stakes amendment intended to keep Nevada in the controversial bi-state Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) was proposed today by Gov. Brian Sandoval, Assembly Speaker Marilyn Kirkpatrick…