Episode 25: Asking for government’s permission to use your own property

Michael Schaus

Free to Offend Episode 25 | Guest: Wiz Rouzard—AFP Nevada

Short-term rentals—like the kind Airbnb helps facilitate—have earned the wrath of big players in the hospitality industry as more and more tourists look for alternatives to the high-priced traditional hotel-casinos along the strip.

And so, how are casinos, hotels and hospitality unions responding? Well, they’re running to government, asking lawmakers to effectively regulate away economic opportunities from property owners looking to tap into this new(ish) market.

Wiz Rouzard, director of grassroots operations with Nevada’s chapter of Americans For Prosperity, joined the program to talk about the latest attacks on property rights from Nevada’s legislature—and what it really means for property owners, entrepreneurs and consumers alike.

Free to Offend can also be heard on Amazon and iTunes


Free to Offend:
A podcast that radically defends free speech by regularly practicing it.

Produced by Nevada Policy Research Institute,
featuring Nevada Policy’s Michael Schaus and Robert Fellner.

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